Our companion Guido Lutrario, member on national executive and USB responsible Lazio region, received an "oral warning"
by the police headquarters in Rome.
A very serious measure under anti-Mafia code and used in this case to intimidate.
Guido is on the front row in all struggle and protest actions organized by USB on Roman territory.
The crimes he is accused are manifestations, blocks, strikes, symbolic occupations, sit-ins, etc.,
the work done in class and trade union conflict.
So to be impeached is not Guido Lutrario but a way of making union.
This act is very serious and it is shocking the legislative device used (Article 3 of Legislative Decree. 09/06/2011 n ° 159
- Anti-Mafia Decree) which aims to bring the restrictive requirements of the freedom for any future act.
USB rejects this very serious provocation and reiterates its determination to continue the strong defense of workers' rights
and working with the methods and tools needed, calls for the immediate withdrawal of this heinous intimidating measures and
calls on all trade unions, political and social to express solidarity and to mobilize in defense of the possibility
of organizing and practicing the trade union conflict.
USB international department
PAME Condemns The Intimidations Tactics Against USB Union Of Italy
PAME condemns the new attack of intimidation against USB Union of Italy.
Specifically, the unionist Guido Lutrario, Member of the national executive and USB (WFTU Affiliate) responsible of the Lazio region, receive an “oral warning” by the Rome Police Headquarters, accused for "crime or offense endangered .... the security of the country”, because of the mobilizations he organized in the area of Rome.
It is clear that this development aims the intimidation of the workers and the imposition of restrictions in trade union activity. European Union, Governments, police and the justice department, at the service of the multinationals attack against the trade union rights and freedoms.
We express our solidarity with Guido Lutrario and the Union USB who face this dangerous development! Against the intimidations of State and the Employers we respond with strengthening solidarity and class struggle!
Καταγγελία των τρομοκρατικών πρακτικών απέναντ
Το ΠΑΜΕ, που εκπροσωπεί το ταξικό συνδικαλιστικό κίνημα της Ελλάδας, καταγγέλλει τη νέα επίθεση τρομοκράτησης απέναντι σε συνδικαλιστές της USB Ιταλίας. Σε ανακοίνωσή του αναφέρει:
«Συγκεκριμένα, ο συνδικαλιστής Guido Lutrario, μέλος της Εθνικής Επιτροπής του Συνδικάτου USB, μέλος της ΠΣΟ, έλαβε "προφορική προειδοποίηση" από την Αστυνομική Διεύθυνση της Ρώμης ότι "έθεσε σε κίνδυνο την ασφάλεια του κράτους", για τις κινητοποιήσεις που οργάνωσε στην περιοχή της Ρώμης.
Είναι ξεκάθαρο ότι η εξέλιξη αυτή στόχο έχει την τρομοκράτηση των εργαζομένων και την επιβολή περιορισμών στη συνδικαλιστική δράση. ΕΕ, Κυβερνήσεις, αστυνομία και δικαστήρια, στην υπηρεσία των πολυεθνικών, επιτίθενται στα συνδικαλιστικά δικαιώματα και ελευθερίες.
Εκφράζουμε την αλληλεγγύη μας στον Guido Lutrario και στη συνδικαλιστική οργάνωση USB μπροστά σε αυτή την επικίνδυνη εξέλιξη! Απέναντι στην τρομοκρατία κράτους - εργοδοτών απαντάμε με δυνάμωμα της αλληλεγγύης και των ταξικών αγώνων!».
Solidarity Message. New serious attack against usb struggles
Dear Comrade,
USB International Department
On behalf of our organization and our 1 million members express our full solidarity with the struggle of your union leader Comrade Guido Lutrario for the protection of the workers right in Rome.
Our organization condemn the anti workers action of the Italian Police Authority against Comrade Guido Lutrario who is leading the struggle of workers for their rights.
Comrades you fight, we the Indian are with you and will remain with you till your victory.
With revolutionary greetings,
Comradely yours
Debanjan Chakrabarti
General Secretary
Construction Workers Federation of India
Solidarity message of the European Regional Office of WFTU with Guido Lutrario.
EUROF of WFTU condemns the new intimidation attacks against USB Union (WFTU Affiliate) of Italy.
Specifically, the unionist Guido Lutrario, Member of the national executive and USB responsible of the Lazio region, received an “oral warning” by the Rome Police Headquarters, accused for “crime or offense endangered .... the security of the country”, because of the mobilizations, strikes, sit-ins, demonstrations he organized in the area of Rome.
European Union, Governments, police forces and the justice department, at the service of the multinationals attack against the trade union rights and freedoms. It is clear that this development aims the intimidation of the workers and the imposition of restrictions in trade union activity.
The EUROF of WFTU stands by the side of USB and comrade Lutrario! We are not intimidated! We strengthen class solidarity and struggle!
L’Ufficio Europeo del WFTU condanna il nuovo attacco intimidatorio contro USB , sindacato affiliato al Wftu.
In particolare , il sindacalista Guido Lutrario, membro dell’Esecutivo Nazionale e Responsabile della Usb Lazio, ha ricevuto un “avviso orale” dal Questore di Roma, accusato for …” crimine o violazioni …..mettendo a rischio la sicurezza del Paese “, a causa delle mobilitazioni, scioperi, sit in, manifestazioni che ha organizzato a Roma.
L’Unione Europea, i Governi, le forze politiche ed il dipartimento di Giustizia al servizio delle multinazionali attaccano i diritti e le libertà sindacali .
E’ chiaro che questi fatti mirano ad intimidire i lavoratori e ad imporre limitazioni all’attività sindacale.
L ‘ Ufficio Europeo del Wftu è accanto a Usb e al compagno Guido Lutrario!
Non ci facciamo intimidire! Rafforziamo la solidarietà di classe e la lotta.
Cipro 5 Luglio 2016
FNSTFPS solidariza-se com a USB Itália em defesa dos direitos e liberdades sindicais
A Federação repudia o ataque levado pelas autoridades policiais italianas contra os direitos e liberdades sindicais dos membros da USB Itália.
Face à ameaça por parte da polícia de Roma ao dirigente sindical Guido Lutrario, membro do Executivo da USB e responsável pela região de Lazio, acusando-o de por em causa a segurança nacional por organizar e participar em protestos e manifestações sindicais em defesa dos direitos dos trabalhadores.
A Federação solidariza-se com a USB e os seus dirigentes e activistas e apela a todos os trabalhadores que lutem contra todas as medidas antissociais que assolam a Europa e que defendam intransigentemente os seus direitos sindicais.
A vossa luta é a nossa luta!
FNSTFPS se solidariza con USB Italia en defensa de los derechos y libertades sindicales
La Federación condena el ataque planteado por la policía italiana contra los derechos y libertades de los miembros sindicales de USB Italia.
Delante de la amenaza por la policía de Roma al líder sindical Guido Lutrario, miembro del ejecutivo de la USB y responsable de la región de Lazio, acusándolo de poner en peligro la seguridad nacional al organizar y participar en protestas y luchas en defensa de los derechos trabajadores, la Federación se solidariza con el USB y sus dirigentes y activistas, y convoca a los
trabajadores que luchen contra todas las medidas antisociales que asolan Europa y sin concesiones la defensa de sus derechos sindicales.
No se conquistan derechos sin la lucha de los trabajadores y la solidaridad internacional de clase.
Vuestra lucha es nuestra lucha!
FNSTFPS expresses its class solidarity with USB Italy in defense of trade unionism rights and freedom
The Federation condemns the attack led by the Italian police against the trade union rights and freedoms of the members of USB Italy.
Regarding the threat led by the Rome police to the union leader Guido Lutrario, an USB Executive member and responsible for the Lazio region, accusing him of endangering national security by organizing and participating in protests and mass struggles in defense of rights of the workers, the
Federation expresses its solidarity with the USB and its leaders and activists, and calls upon all workers to fight against all anti-social measures plaguing Europe and uncompromisingly defend their union rights.
No rights can be achieved without the workers struggle and class internationalist solidarity.
Your struggle is our struggle!
Termination Of Proceedings Against Terrorist In Italy USB
The FISE, World Federation of Teachers’ Unions, affiliated to WFTU denounces the new terroristic attack against trade unionists USB Italy
Specifically, the unionist Guido Lutrario, Member of the national executive and USB responsible of the Lazio region, received an “oral warning” by the Rome Police Headquarters, accused for "crime or offense which endangered the security of the country”, because he organized mobilizations, strikes, sit-ins, demonstrations, in the area of Rome
It is an attempt to terrorize the workers and weaken the unions. EU and governments, impose restrictions on trade union activity. They have always the police and the courts in the service of multinationals to attack trade union rights and freedoms.
FISE expresses solidarity with Guido Lutrario and USB.
With militant greetings
CIG-ADMÓN. PÚBLICA solidariza-se com a USB Itália em defesa dos direitos e liberdades sindicais
A Federação de Administración Pública da CONFEDERACIÓN INTERSINDICAL GALEGA repudia o ataque levado pelas autoridades policiais italianas contra os direitos e liberdades sindicais dos membros da USB Itália.
Face à ameaça por parte da polícia de Roma ao dirigente sindical Guido Lutrario, membro do Executivo da USB e responsável pela região de Lazio, acusando-o de por em causa a segurança nacional por organizar e participar em protestos e manifestações sindicais em defesa dos direitos dos trabalhadores.
A Federação solidariza-se com a USB e os seus dirigentes e activistas e apela a todos os trabalhadores que lutem contra todas as medidas antissociais que assolam a Europa e que defendam intransigentemente os seus direitos sindicais.
A vossa luta é a nossa luta!
PASYEK PEO condemns the attacks against USB of Italy
PASYEK PEO condemns the new intimidation attacks against USB Union (WFTU Affiliate) of Italy.
The unionist Guido Lutrario, Member of the national executive and USB
responsible of the Lazio region, received an “oral warning” by the Rome Police Headquarters, accused for "crime or offense endangered the security of the country”, because of the mobilizations, strikes, sit-ins, demonstrations he organized in the area of Rome.
European Union, Governments, police forces and the justice department, at the service of the multinationals attack against the trade union rights and freedoms. It is clear that through the prohibition of working peoples mobilization and struggles and the criminalization of trade union activities, they are aiming to smash the workers movement.
PASYEK PEO expresses its class solidarity to comrade Lutrario and USB, Italy.
LAB expresses solidarity and support with USB Union from Italy and Guido Lutrario, member of their National Executive.
LAB wants to show solidarity with the USB Union of Italy and member of its leadership, Guido Lutrario. Our cadre Guido is responsible for the region of Lazio, where Rome is located. The USB union has developed important mobilizations such as demonstrations, blockades, strikes, symbolic occupations, sit-ins, etc .... in which the role played by the partner Guido was decisive.
Law enforcement authorities have responded to union action applying emergency laws. Specifically, the police authorities have applied Article 3th of the Legislative Decree 09/06/2011, called Anti Mafia Law, against cadre Guido and by extension the USB union in order to limit their rights and freedoms for trade union action on future occasions.
This is not the first attack the USB union receives. Italian authorities are acting to protect the big unions – in clear decline- that support the system in Italy and attacks combative, changing the regulatory framework denying them basic rights for trade union action.
In the Basque Country we know well the application of exceptions laws and how the authorities act favoring a model of unionism based on complicity with the system. Suffice it to recall the attempt made by the employer to outlaw Basque LAB and the Basque majority trade union movement.
This situation is not isolated, we should read in the context of, what they called, a crisis that is already extending many years and is taking advantage to modify labor relations throughout Europe, extending work conditions precariousness and poverty without limits. A union model based in social partnership and system collaboration is rewarded, and combative unionism, based in confrontation and class perspective is punished systematically.
Bilbo, 5th July 2016
LAB quiere mostrar su solidaridad con el Sindicato USB de Italia y el miembro de su dirección, Guido Lutrario.
LAB quiere mostrar su solidaridad con el Sindicato USB de Italia y el miembro de su dirección, Guido Lutrario. El compañero Guido es responsable de la región de Lazio, en la que se sitúa la ciudad de Roma. El sindicato USB ha desarrollado movilizaciones importantes tales como manifestaciones, bloqueos, huelgas, ocupaciones simbólicas, sentadas, etc…. en cuales el rol desempeñado por el compañero Guido ha sido determinante.
Las autoridades policiales han respondido a la acción sindical aplicando leyes de excepción. Concretamente las autoridades policiales han aplicado el artículo 3 del Decreto legislativo 09/06/2011 denominada Ley Anti mafia contra el Compañero Guido y por extensión al sindicato USB con el objeto de limitar sus derechos y libertades para la acción sindical en ocasiones futuras.
No es el primer ataque que recibe el sindicato USB. En la medida que las autoridades Italianas actuando para proteger a los grandes sindicatos, en clara decadencia, del sistema en Italia y ataca a los sindicatos de confrontación, modificando el marco normativo negándoles derechos básicos para la acción sindical.
En EH conocemos bien la aplicación de legislaciones de excepción y el favorecimiento por parte de las autoridades de un modelo de sindicalismo basado en la complicidad con el sistema. Basta recordar el intento por parte de la patronal Vasca de ilegalizar a LAB y el movimiento sindical mayoritario vasco..
Esta situación no es aislada, debemos leerlo en el marco de una, lo que llamaron, crisis que se está prolongando ya muchos años y se está aprovechando para modificar las relaciones laborales en toda Europa, extendiendo la precarización y la pobreza sin límites. Se premia un modelo sindical de gestión y colaborador, y se castiga el sindicalismo de confrontación, combativo y con perspectiva de clase.
Bilbo, 5 de julio de 2016
LABek USB sindikatuarekin eta beraien zuzendaritzako Guido Lutrariorekin elkartasuna eta sostengua adierazi nahi du.
LABek USB sindikatu Italiarrarekin eta beraien zuzendaritzako kide den Guido Lutrariorekin elkartasun eta sostengua adierazi nahi du. Guido Lutrario USB sindikatuko nazio zuzendaritzaren kide izateaz gain, Erroma hiria kokatzen den Lazio eremuko arduraduna da. USB sindikatuak Guido Lutrario buru zuelarik azken urteetan mobilizazio garrantzitsuak egin ditu Erromako hirian, hala nola, grebak, manifestazioak, blokeoak, okupazio sinbolikoak, e.a.
Polizi botereak Mafiaren aurka sortutako salbuespen 2011/06/09 lege dekretuaren 3. artikulua Guido Lutrarioren eta USBren aurka erabiliz erantzun die mobilizazio hauei. Beldurtze taktika honen xedea askatasuna eta eskubideak murriztea da etorkizunean bultzatu ditzaketen sindikatu ekintza eragozteko.
Ez da USB sindikatuak pairatzen duen lehen erasoa. Italiar agintariek gainbera dauden sistemaren aldeko sindikatu handiak babesteko neurriak hartu dituzte, sistema zalantzan ipini eta baldintzatzen duten sindikatu borrokalariak zigortzeko araudia aldatzen duten bitartean. Araudi aldaketa honen xedea ekintza sindikala gauzatzeko beharrezkoak diren eskubideak murriztea da.
Euskal Herrian salbuespen legeen aplikazioa eta botere ekonomikoek sistemaren sostengu diren sindikalgintza ereduaren alde eginikoak ezagutzen ditugu. LAB legezkanpo uzteko Confebask ek eginiko saiakera azken honen adierazgarria da.
Egoera hau ez da isolatua. Urteetan luzatzen ari den sasi krisiaren markoan aztertu beharra dago. Europan zehar lan harremanak aldatzeko erabiltzen ari dira honetaz, lan baldintzen prekarizazioa eta pobrezia mugarik gabe zabalduz. Kolaborazioan eta sistema laguntzen duten eredu sindikala saritzen dute, borroka, konfrontazio eta klase ikuspegia duen sindikalgintza eredua zigortzen den bitartean.
Bilbon, 2016ko uztailak 5
The CTB (Central of Male and Female Workers of Brazil), the class-oriented trade union movement of Brazil expresses its full support to USB and in particular to its national executive comrade Guido Lutrario who received an oral warning by the police headquarters, the legislative article used (Article 3 of Legislative Decree. 09/06/2011 n ° 159- Anti-Mafia Decree) aims to reduce its freedom of action.
The CTB rejects this criminalization of unionism and demands the immediate withdrawal of this warning.
The CTB expresses its complete solidarity to the Italian working class that is fighting for decent working conditions.
The working class worldwide is the biggest victim of the capitalist crisis, and only through international unity, shall we conquer our rights and defeat the imperialism worldwide.
Long live USB!
Fraternal greetings,
Adilson Araújo
CTB National President
Divanilton Pereira
CTB Secretary of International Relations
Messaggio di solidarietà del Sindacato Palestinese
Good morning
I sent you this morning in response to your collaboration with the Italian workers and stand on the side of your association and Italy workers and against the attacks that took place with some trade unionists
call of solidarity
National Union special education Vivelstin member of the trade union coalition Filamala in Palestine condemns the new terrorist attack against trade unionists USB Italy Specifically , the union Guido Lutrario, a member of Aaloutna . And it confirms that it stands alongside militant demands for each Aatalaa italy workers .
National Union for special education
A member of the trade union coalition Alamala- Palestine D.nafiz AYOOB
Mohammad Yahya chirmain union cultur