"Convergence des luttes" is the CGT ( Confederation General du Travail) Slogan for the eight of the 36 strikes called until next june by the french trade union
against the privatization of SNCF and the neoliberal policies and strategies of Macron, with 133 demonstrations spread in the country from the North to the South.
The SNCF representative leaded the demonstrations together with alle the unions coming from others sectors like energie, transportation, Health and the Post Office.
Students were also added to the mobilization day, while workers in the energy Sector are planning actions to support the railway workers' strike.
The Unione Sindacale di Base was invited by CGT Chemininots Versailles WFTU affiliated and was present with a delegation of rail and public transporation workers carring its banner and bringing solidarity to French workers exposed to the neoliberal diktats of Macron and its associates.
USB presence in the demonstration was very appreciated by all the cheminots and the workers from other Sector.
Very high even today the adherence to the strike of "cheminots": only one Tgv travel on three and only two regional trains in five.
The next 11 May a delegation of French workers was invited by USB to take part in an important assembly that will be held in Rome on the privatization of Rome local public transportation to bring their fight experience.