USB demonstration in front of Parliament in Rome
The Covid-19 pandemic that exterminated more than 32,000 citizens in Italy and during which 29,000 health workers were infected, has confirmed some things that USB has been saying for some time and that should form the basis for the construction of a new National Health System.
First of all, that Health and Welfare must be public and universal, because the health and well-being
of all are inalienable rights.
Healthcare will never be public and universal if in the middle there are the immense profits of private individuals who profit from public money on people's health and, even if public, health ceases to be universal when it is broken down into 20 different Regional Healthcare Systems and fails to guarantee all citizens the same access to services.
This must translate into a stop to the regionalization of the NHS and a return to the single National
Healthcare System, as it was before the reform of Title V of our Constitution.
But health care must be public and universal also for those who work there and for this to happen we must say clearly and without hesitation "enough" to precariousness, outsourcing, cooperatives and, above all, to the speculation of private companies on our health. If those who work in the sector have fewer and fewer rights and lower and lower salaries, while health entrepreneurs are making ever higher and higher profits, health care will hardly be able to fully guarantee the right to health.
The USB on these issues initiates an extraordinary mobilization of all workers in the Public Health,
Private Health and Third Sector related to Health, thus opening a season of claims, as the beginning
of a path that leads to the Single Contract of Health and Social-Assistance Services so that these
workers are guaranteed the principle that equal work corresponds to equal pay and equal rights.
USB proclaims for July 2nd the strike of all health care personnel.
At 10 a garrison will be held in Piazza Montecitorio in Rome to ask:
- Permanent hiring, stabilization of the many precarious, reorganization of services and staff.
- immediate contract renewals (already expired at least since December 2018) with appropriate economic and professional recognition
- Covid Bonus for all public, private and Third Sector Healthcare operators