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1° Maggio

First of May day of struggle


USB organised squares, processions, initiatives in many cities.

The Meloni government provocatively convened the Council of Ministers precisely on the first of May to announce further anti-worker and anti-poor laws. A disgrace as well as a provocation. The many squares organised by USB have brought 1 May back to its true value: a day of denunciation against exploitation, the decree on immigration, for the introduction of the crime of murder in the workplace and for salary increases of 300 euros net.

From the large demonstration  in Rome to the one in Bergamo animated by the Italtrans workers in struggle, from the garrison in Turin with the workers of the contracts at the Consortium of the Royal Residences of Savoy on strike to the square in Naples, from the demonstration in Trieste with the Wartsilia workers demanding guarantees on the industrial and employment plan to the square in Bologna where the voice of public workers was raised demanding recruitment, stabilisation of precarious workers and a 300 euro increase for the renewal of contracts, and many other squares.

A day in which the many squares gave 1 May back its true meaning: a day of struggle to demand wage increases and against war and the sending of weapons.

But also a stepping stone towards 26 May when the many issues raised during 1 May will be at the centre of the general strike called by USB.

USB in Italy, like the many class oriented trade unions in the world, affiliated to the WFTU, brought to the streets the anger and strength needed to fight.