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USB with the strike of the workers of France on February 5


USB with the strike of the workers of France on February 5

USB Italy express full solidarity and is on the side of the workers and the class oriented trade unions of France for their strike on the 5th of February.

The workers in France are fighting against the high cost of living, for real increases in the wages, to defend Social Security, against the anti-workers' laws and the increasing state repression and police state against the popular demonstrations.

in France like in Italy workers and people are suffering the worst in their living conditions, only through the organized, class-oriented struggle against the large business groups, the UE and the governments that serve them, we can stop the anti-workers' attack and claim our rights.

Only through the class struggle we can pave the way for a future where us, the workers, will enjoy the wealth we produce.

Your fight is our fight USB