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USB:The National General Strike for March 8 a success!


The national general strike for March 8, promoted by "Non Una Di Meno", shared and proclaimed by the USB, was a success, crowned by the immense demonstration in Rome.

USB called a general strike, answering the request of the women movement 'Ni Una Menos'.

Big demonstrations in many cities, the strike and women movement were stronger than disinformation, stronger than boycott, stronger than provocation, stronger than aggression.

The participation to the strike have grown dramatically in every sector, public and private. In public transport the most visible effect of the abstention from work, against which the confederal trade unions (CGIL CISL UIL) declared it is a strike "against women".

The institutional provocation of the Ministry of Labour which replies to the women's delegation that it is not the right interlocutor to talk about work.

Some real aggression, like in Milan or as in Turin, where the police attacked the rally of women.

USB worked to build the strike and produced a report of data and facts that are at the root of the proclamation of the general strike of March 8. Data that once again certifies the depth of inequality and the ferocity of gender-based violence.

The data we collected in "Women on the verge of a crisis of numbers" already clarify part of the reasons for the strike: wage differentials, segregation in poor sectors, barriers to entry to work, precariousness, involuntary part-time work, resignation on hiring, harassment in the workplace, poor pensions.

The silence was broken once more by the great tide of tens and tens of thousands of women who invaded the Italian squares from north to south. Combatant, determined, strong. Unstoppable.

The women, and with them USB, will not stop until all the claims - and not one less - have been fulfilled.